12:45h – Prof. Dra. Line Kessel

12:45h – Prof. Dra. Line Kessel
Ponente 5ª Jornadas - sábado 19 octubre

Line Kessel graduated from the University of Copenhagen as a medical doctor in 2000 and has specialized in pediatric ophthalmology and rare genetic eye diseases. Line Kessel is a senior consultant at the Department of Ophthalmology at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark and an Associate Professor in Ophthalmology at the University of Copenhagen. She is an author of >70 scientific papers. Her research group focuses on cataract in children and adults and rare genetic eye conditions.


Visual outcomes after surgery for childhood cataracts.

Childhood cataracts are challenging and requires extensive and multi-disciplinary follow-up to detect long-term complications such as secondary glaucoma and visual axis opacification but also to provide optimum refractive correction as the eye grows in order to ensure good visual development. Visual outcome after surgery for childhood cataracts is, however, often guarded because early visual development is disturbed. During the presentation, the Danish set-up for congenital cataracts will be described and national data for visual outcomes for children who have been operated for congenital cataract since 2000 will be presented.

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