12:00h – Dr. Amir Amedi

12:00h – Dr. Amir Amedi
Ponente 5ª Jornadas - sábado 19 octubre


Amir Amedi is the Director of The Center for Brain imaging, Rehab and Augmentation of the SENSES.  He is a Professor at the Department of Medical Neurobiology at the Hebrew University, PhD in Computational Neuroscience (ICNC, Hebrew University) and Postdoctoral and Instructor of Neurology (Harvard Medical School). He is recipient of The Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research, the Wolf Foundation (2011), the international Human Frontiers Science Program Organization Career Development award (2009), the JSMF Scholar Award in Understanding Human Cognition (2011). He received 2 consecutive ERC grants (www.BrainVisionRehab.com 2013-2018; NovelExperieSENSE 2018-2023). He is an internationally acclaimed brain scientist with 15 years of experience in the field of brain neuroplasticity and multisensory integration. In 2019 he officially founded www.ReNewSenses.com where he is engaged in developing novel Sensory substitution Device and AI algorithms to help the visually and hearing impaired.


Avances en inteligencia artificial, sustitución sensorial y prótesis visuales para discapacitados visuales.

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