Dr. Rolf Lund
Ed. D, M.Sc (opcom)
Assessment of Video Magnification Systems the history and the future.
by Rolf Lund, Ed.D (ed.psych), M.Sc (optom), CLVT Eikholt National Resource Center Vision and Hearing NORWAY
The use of video magnifying systems (CCTV) as a technical device for people with low vision was first described in 1959 by Potts et al. But it was not until the end of the 1960s that the CCTV was used in a practical way. The first CCTV machines were technical devices for reading only, but very soon thereafter these machines could be used for more activities
This was a significant contribution to the integration of persons with low vision into the mainstream environments of schools and the workplace.
In the 1980s, computers brought a new challenge to the design of CCTV products. In the 1990s; PC interfaces, color displays, small portable devices made CCTVs technologically advanced and widely available. Recent new development includes powerful assistive features built into googles, tablets and telephones to complement the users vision, learning and literacy. You can now create, learn, work, play and do pretty much anything you want to do, wherever you want to do it, more easily than ever. The person with low vision should take active part in the assessment of the device
The individual becomes a knowledgeable consumer and able to take an active role in finding solutions to new problems. This is the way toward independence.
Keywords: video magnifier, assistive technology, assessment of low vision, participation